Aquarius at a Glance

  • General

    • Giving: This sign is very materially unattached, they don’t mind giving anything to those in need

    • Emotionally disinterested: Aquarius is known as the scientist, so subjective emotion is hard for them to work with

    • Inventive: That same scientific mind can figure out how to solve and fix just about any situation

    • Self-concerned: People often forget that Leo and Aquarius are on the same axis; they both engage in levels of self-interest, but for different reasons


    • The Water-Bearer

      • The water is knowledge of the past, the present and the future, very much what it represents in the Water signs of Astrology

      • The carrier can be interpreted as the vessel itself, the gourd that contains the water; the invented tool that makes the lives of all better

      • If we look at the bearer of the gourd, we have options:

        • Enki, the Sumerian God of Knowledge, Craft and Creation

        • Ganymede, the cupbearer of Olympus, taken away from his home by Zeus

        • Prometheus, while not associated with the constellation itself, has often been tied to Aquarius due to his story of giving fire (technology) to humans

  • Element

    • Air

      • their easy going nature, flowing in and out of rules with ease

      • their nomadic tendencies; detached in nature, these folks don’t settle down too often

      • their intelligence; words are wind, after all, and this sign certainly used their words to their benefit

  • Modality or Quality

    • Fixed

      • their focus

      • their persistence

      • their refusal to change for anyone


  • Ruler(s)

    • Uranus, the Sky, itself

      • His status as the grandfather of the Olympians fits Aquarius’ “Zodiacal age”, being represented as an old, wizened man

      • Uranus, the planet, rotates on its side, having its poles parallel to its spin, rather than perpendicular, exemplifying Aquarius’ eccentricities

  • Hidden Trait

    • Extremely scary when angry: It’s quite difficult to piss of an Aquarian person, but once you have, you’ve gained quite the opponent

  • Deadly Sin

    • Pride: they don’t you or anyone else!

  • Crime if Arrested

    • Robin Hood-type Embezzlement: they’d work their way up in a corporate job, just like Capricorn; but instead of keeping company funds for themselves, they’d funnel the money to the local food pantry

  • Loves

    • Their social life; You can always find an Aquarian networking, whether for work ,for fun ,or for hobbies

  • Hates

    • Self-centered people; while very self-contained and even self-interested, Aquarians cannot stand someone who is unable to hold space for others

  • Will

    • Have the craziest ideas… that just might work

  • Won’t

    • See anyone mistreated; this sign loves the underdog and would do anything to help them


Happy Pisces Season!


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