Ask 2


“When will I be in a love relationship?”

“When” is a sticky question. Between lots, profection years (which I’ll be using), and other divination tools, I could probably come up with three different answers and all three could be more or less right. You could (and are likely to) have multiple romantic relationships, maybe even some of them simultaneously.

Using your profection chart, I see that your eleventh house profection year will be next year. Your Venus lies in your eleventh house, so there will be a heightened focus on matters of love in your 22nd year. This will be especially true when you lean on the tenets of the eleventh house.

Leaning on friends, social groups, and your role in your community will likely lead you toward the romantic love you seek, if not just extremely beneficial relationships, in general. These social groups may center around your mental health, like group therapy; spirituality, like covens or church members; or even those suffering from addiction or other illness.

When you find your friends there, you may end up finding a lover, as well.

As for soulmate/marriage-level focus, I see your seventh house profection year as the goal. Not only is the seventh house tied to relationships, but your Juno is placed there, as well, when you look at your chart drawn with Whole Sign houses. This is the age of 30, so perhaps this will be an 8-year long relationship or perhaps, if you haven't been in a relationship yet, this Venus profection year will be the start of an 8-year long journey of relationships leading to The One at that Juno/seventh house year at 30.


Gemini at a Glance


Sky of the Month: June 2024