Comforting the Moon Signs
Aries Moon
Their comfort comes from being alone, whether it be at home, at work or in nature. They feel things very abruptly and not having to explain their emotional shift to people is freeing. If you must interact, do so with gentleness, no confrontation at all; battles are common for this Moon sign, so they’re not trying to tussle with you to calm themselves down. Luckily, they won’t be upset for very long, so utilize some patience.
Taurus Moon
The Moon is Exalted here, so it is very much at its happiest. As such, these people have the innate ability to make themselves comfortable in whatever situation they’re in. They’re rather emotionally stable (read: stubborn), so they don’t get upset very often. In the rare case where you do find yourself needing to console a Taurus Moon holder, it’s best to get them physically comfortable first: find a comfy corner to chat in and bring their favorite snack. The goal is to please them sensually in order to soothe them emotionally.
Gemini Moon
Talking things out with Gemini Moon will be the best course of action to get them to calm down. They truly just want to be heard while letting their mind rattle off everything that comes to heart in this emotional time. They don’t want hugs or platitudes right now and, indeed, may prove to be snappy when upset, so take any harsh words with a grain of salt. Once they’ve mentally processed what they’re feeling, they’ll be onto their next project.
Cancer Moon
Cancer is where the Moon rules. It has comfort and control here, but it can also show off its worst self here, since it has no one to answer to. Cancer Moons feel things very deeply and aren’t able to let emotions go very well. When upset, get the Lunar Cancer home, amongst familiar feelings and their belongings. This allows them time to process their emotions in private while also being able to reminisce over previous memories of times they felt this way. A nice maternal hug would help, especially if you can find their mother figure, themselves.
Leo Moon
Whatever you do, don’t talk over Leo Moon. Like Gemini Moon, they really want to be heard, but instead of logically processing their emotions, Leo Moon wants you to know their point of view and how this emotional upset has affected them personally. If a dispute has upset them, it’s best to take their side, or, at the very least, don’t take the side of their opposition. To turn their frown upside down, just remember that Leo Moon is a child at heart; get them to do something fun with you, make them feel loved and important, and, if all else fails, just forget the whole thing happened and lead with a playful joke.
Virgo Moon
However upset they are, it was likely because of some mistake or faux pas they made. Remind your Virgo Moon that this won’t be the end of the world and that no one will remember this misstep, if it was even noticed at all. Give them a task, something to get them out of their heads that allows them to be of use to others. Lunar Virgos have a distinct need to be of use, so this could even be done by telling them your own similar issues, not to detract from their own, but to allow them a way to help you while also making themselves feel better.
Libra Moon
This Moon sign is comforted by your relatability. They’re angry at their mom? Tell them about that time your mom pissed you off and how you guys fixed it. They also aren’t always aware of their emotions, and may even need notice from someone else that they’re upset. This is why Libra Moon is best comforted in one-on-one situations, especially by a partner or a best friend. They need someone who knows them well enough to know when they’re unbalanced and, more than that, someone who knows how to get them back to a stable stasis.
Scorpio Moon
Scorpio is the sign where the Moon meets its Fall. The ever-evolving nature of Scorpio is no safe place for the Moon to roost and, as such, these Lunar Scorpios can find it hard to feel safe or comforted at all. Scorpio Moons feel most comfortable when things are in their control, so outside of very particular situations where they are able to handpick every controllable aspect, it’s actually rather easy for them to become disturbed. When thoroughly saddened or angered, though, time is really the only tool that can help them.
Sagittarius Moon
You have the opportunity to comfort a Sagittarius Moon? You’re quite lucky because they were likely on their way to flee from their emotions. When upset, these Moon signs don’t particularly need to be alone but they do need to be on the move. Physically, you could take Sag Moon on a trip to literally get away from their issue. Emotionally, you could help by not bringing it up at all! Is that healthy? Absolutely not. Is that your business? Not unless they make it so.
Capricorn Moon
The Moon’s final dignity is in Capricorn where it’s in its Detriment. As such, Capricorn Moons have a general air of unease, at least emotionally. When upset, these Moon signs are very harsh on themselves. To comfort them, you should remind them of their accomplishments, big or small. With the emotional lows Lunar Capricorns can reach, sometimes commending them for getting out of bed will turn their whole days around. They will likely run to work or some other mandatory task, but remind them that rest is also essential to get themselves centered.
Aquarius Moon
The Moon has no idea what to do in this scientific, logical sign, so it chooses to make its holder just as lost when it comes to their emotional state. Aquarius Moons often need to feel out their emotional state, turn it over logically while looking at each face of the emotion; perhaps to ponder its usefulness. They’re also naturally altruistic, so the matters that upset them tend to be ones that affect groups of people or the world at large. All that said, it’s usually not possible to help Aquarius Moon with what’s making them upset; just posit and theorize ways to make whatever the problem is, better, and you’ve calmed the Lunar Aquarian down.
Pisces Moon
A Lunar Pisces is someone who, quite frankly, has no control over their emotional state. Cancer Moons feel hard, Scorpio Moons feel deep, but Pisces Moons feel everything. Often psychic and empathetic, these Moon signs are often upset about things that are disturbing those around them or things that haven’t even happened to them yet. All you can truly do for them is to be there; provide them an anchor to hold on to as the emotional storm blows around them. Remind them of what is right there in front of them and what actually has the ability to affect them in the moment.
article art by: Chuck B.