Happy Capricorn Season!

happy Capricorn season to all you sardonically cynical and superfluously sarcastic social climbers!

now’s the time to put the work in, my distinguished friends. the holidays are upon us, so now is the time to reflect on a year well-spent and to switch focus on the work to come; winter is certainly here, so feeling cooped up at home with family may become a little uncomfortable.

the wonder of Sagittarius season has been replaced by hard-facts; optimism is no longer your go-to tool, being replaced by your know-how and your influence. get ready to elevate your status, but don’t neglect the work needed to get there. really throw yourself out there; time to sharpen pencils and set schedules and make a difference. time to boss up and show the world what you can do.

Father Saturn is the ruler this month, and he is not easily pleased. his restrained energy will enable you to meet this season with poise, a sense of power, and respect from others. try not to get to full of yourself though, as Aquarius season is up next, and you’ll be forced to focus on the good of all, not just your own future.

since Saturn is in control this month, let’s try to earn his good graces by wearing blacks, grays, and other neutrals.if you need color, mustard yellows and lighter browns are fine too; honor him by being cautious in unknown territory, by establishing and maintaining personal boundaries, by working hard and complaining less, and by taking far less than you give.


Capricorn at a Glance


Sky of the Month: January 2025