Happy Taurus Season!

happy Taurus season to you maintained and materialistic muses!

it’s time to divest from the extreme exertion of energy (I really need to chill with the alliteration) of Aries season and step into work’s counterpart: rest. you’ve done the work this past month and now is the time to sit back and watch your efforts work for you; just make sure you don’t get stuck in this mode, as rest can become laziness very quickly.

the wounds left by the conflicts we faced last month have scabbed over and (hopefully) have culminated into something tangible, something of use.

it’s now the time to tap in to who you are and what you need; feed your indulgences because you totally earned it. lay back, say “yes!” to that extra cheese on your pizza and get comfy!

and when you are well-rested, remember that Venus has endowed you with incredible talent and people surrounding you for support, so use both wisely and get to work; after all, busy Gemini season is up next!

you can make Venus happy this season by wearing nice light or earthy greens and deep pinks (hey you AKAs out there), admiring yourself, creating spaces of comfort for others, making and sharing food, working out (especially body sculpting), enjoying a good, well-planned nap, singing, and eating a proportioned, filling meal.


Sky of the Month: May 2024


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