Chiron’s Playlist: “Anti”
Rihanna’s eighth album in her then 11-year-long career, Anti was Rihanna’s most anticipated album. It came a whopping four years after its predecessor, Unapologetic, which was the longest we had to wait for a Rihanna project. This project feels like it gives a more intimate look into the emotional and mental world of the singer, unlike her more pop, Top 40 driven previous works; in fact, it was once being worshopped under the name “ANTIdiaRy”. It’s my favorite album of hers, and a certified no-skip, in my house.
My favorite song: “Kiss It Better”; honorable mention to Tame Impala’s “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” which Rihanna covered as “Same Ol’ Mistakes"
My favorite feature: I can only choose between SZA and Drake, as Rihanna isn’t very feature-heavy on her albums; I would have chosen SZA then, and I’m certainly choosing SZA now.
ARIES- “Woo”
“I bet she could never make you cry
‘Cause the scars on your heart are still mine
Tell me that she couldn’t get this deep
She can almost be the worst of me”
These lyrics display Rihanna taking pride in the wounds she inflicted during the battle that she considers love. Arians would be proud of their own war wounds but prouder of the ones they gave their opponent. They’re very confident and they present themselves aggressively, much like the delivery of this line.
“These days you’ve been feeling lonely
Yeah I’ve been feeling lonely too
I'ma fuck it up, won’t you show me some’
Run it back like you owe me some'”
Aries are independent and often repel people. This line displays the effects of that, showing the loneliness the sign often feels but doesn’t often express. The end of this excerpt points toward Aries’ overt sexuality. This is expressed sans the emotional connection (that’s more Scorpio) and sans the romance (which is for Leo); just raw sexuality.
First and foremost, this song is a break-up song. This is interesting considering that Rihanna and Travis Scott (the unfeatured feature) had broken up by the time this song came out. This shows the conflict present in a break up, associated with Mars-ruled Aries. The sound of the song is also quite raw and aggressive, almost like alarms with blaring rock tones.
TAURUS- “Yeah, I Said It”
“And I think I kinda like ya
Up against the wall, we don’t need a title
Yeah, I said it
Yeah, I said it, bae
Yeah, I said it, man, fuck a title”
Taureans are known for their direct approach and this line addresses that: “Hey, I like you, let’s fuck around; no title needed”. This and the lack of interest in formality are very Taurean, to me. This excerpt displays sensuality and comfort, all in one.
“You can be rough, boy, but you won’t
Give me some love, boy, give it to me ‘til the morn’”
Stubborn and brusque are traits usually associated with Taurus. Rihanna knows, and likes, that her lover can be rough with her, but she knows he won’t, instead focusing on the pleasure of them being together. She’s craving long-lasting sex, a task that can be associated with Taurus’ slow-moving nature and her focus on physical pleasure.
The song is overtly sexual and has literal moans at the end of it. Aries, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are all associated with the various sides of sex and this song’s focus on the pleasurable, sensual, and selfish aspects of sex connect it to Taurus. This is opposed to the rougher and more primal sound of “Woo”.
GEMINI- “Consideration”
“I came fluttering in from Neverland
Time can never stop me, no, no, no, no
I know you’ve tried to
I came riding in on a pale white horse”
The first two lies focus on Gemini’s Mercurial nature. Neverland evokes thoughts of Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, the fairy-like boy and his very fairy companion. Geminis can be associated with fairies. Mischievous, fluttering, intelligent, and ever-busy. The excerpt goes on to illustrate Gemini’s duality as Rihanna then goes on from fluttering fairies to becoming Death on his pale white horse.
“When I look outside my window
I can’t get no piece of mind
When I look outside my window
I can’t get no peace of mind”
“Piece” versus “Peace” wordplay is a link to Gemini’s aforementioned versatility, as well as using wordplay, which fits given Gemini’s association with communication. Furthermore, peace of mind is uncommon for Gemini who has a busy brain. On this same note, searching for a “piece” of mind is much more common, trying to recall a memory or repelling an insistent one.
This song is an homage to Rihanna writing a lot of this album. She wanted the music industry to take her seriously as an artist and decided to prove herself by having a writing credit on all but one of the songs on the album (the cover was obviously written by someone else). Gemini is associated with writing and communication, making this very fitting. SZA and Rihanna’s back and forth also mirrors the twin mascots of Gemini.
CANCER- “Close to You”
“Nothing but a tear, that’s all for breakfast
Watching you pretend you’re unaffected
You’re pulling our connections, expecting me to let you go
But I won't”
While I also cringe at Cancer’s constant connection to crying, I think it lies in place of maturity. Cancers are Cardinal and, as such, are the masters of their domain. Cancers are able to adequately wade through their emotions and know the benefit of a good cry, as opposed to her Water sign sisters. Rihanna needs a good cry and has one. This excerpt also displays empathy, as well as an inability to give up old memories. Cancers are tied to memories, the subjectivity of them and their ability to immerse you in another time and place.
“I know you don’t need my protection
But I’m in love, can’t blame me for checking
I love in your direction, hoping that the message goes”
Cancer’s protectiveness is exhibited in these lines. The subject of her care has obviously rebuffed her attempts at being protective; or perhaps she truly is being a bit suffocating. Cancer is associated with the mother and these traits— the smothering and over-doing— are often associated with mothers and Cancer, alike. But at the end of the day, Cancer focuses on their emotions, first and foremost. She’s forced to cut off a toxic situation and love this person from a distance, instead choosing to “love in their direction” instead of loving on them in person.
This is the most balladic song on the album, which always reminds me of the emotionally heavy vibes of Cancer. The heavy piano accompaniment also evokes a traditional and old fashioned style— very Cancer. The song’s overall focus is on the refusal to move on from a past love which can be linked to Cancer’s tendency to hold on to the past.
LEO- “Love on the Brain”
“And you got me like, ‘Oh, what you want from me?’
(What you want from me?)
And I tried to buy your pretty heart, but the price too high”
Leo is, by far, the most giving sign when it comes to affection and gifts. This line shows that Rihanna attempted to put a price on love by giving her lover gifts to secure their love for her. When that payment won’t work, Leos will give their whole heart for their love. The line “what you want from me” exhibit’s Leo’s willingness to do whatever it takes for their partner.
“Must be love on the brain
That’s got me feeling this way
It beats me black and blue, but it fucks me so good
And I can’t get enough”
If you couldn’t guess from the previous excerpt, this one solidifies the fact that Leo rules the heart in Medical Astrology. More symbolic associations with the heart are also associated with the sign too, like love and romance. Leos tend to focus on the fun side of the relationship, though, ignoring the work and the struggles. Even through those things, the love and romance is still foremost in her brain.
The Doo-Wop style of the song reminds me of the 50s; very glam and Leo. It also evokes the idea of sweethearts and school dances and all the other things privileged people of the 50s got to enjoy; romanticization of romance, regardless of the pain that may have been inflicted. The song’s overall focus is on the power of love and the ability of it to conquer all negative things for better or worse.
VIRGO- “Kiss It Better”
“What are you willing to do?
Oh, tell me what you’re willing to do
(Kiss it, kiss it better, baby)”
This line discusses giving a sacrifice in order to get something you want, a process not unfamiliar to Virgos. Even sexually, Virgo is servile and wants to please their partner. Their aim is to heal and assist. Rihanna’s partner is taking the role of the Virgo here, as Virgos are the physical healers and nurses. This is interesting considering that Rihanna is a Pisces, the sister sign or partner of Virgo.
“Man, fuck yo’ pride
Just take it on back, boy, take it on back, boy [..]
Hurtin’ vibe, man, it hurts inside when I look you in yo’ eye”
Pride is definitely a Virgoan trait. Rihanna wants him, again taking on the role of Virgo, to let go of his pride and admit that he’s hurt too and that he needs healing as much as she does. Virgos have a tendency to get past their own pain in order to help others and to get things accomplished. This couple needs to heal each other and, at that moment, the sex is doing it.
This song focuses on an already broken relationship that is in need of serious mending. There are several methods that are needed to repair a broken relationship and sex is definitely one of them, as physical healing may be required before the emotional healing.
LIBRA- “Same Ol’ Mistakes”
“I can just hear them now
‘How could you let us down?’
But they don’t know what I found
Or see it from this way around”
Libras are always looking at how others view them. They’re associated with the seventh house of our charts, which controls how we see the world and the projection we actively use when in relation with others. That’s why Libras are often indecisive, as they’re concerned with not only their wants and needs, but how others would perceive these wants and needs if expressed. They see multiple points of view while others often don’t bother to try.
“I know that you think it’s fake
Maybe fake’s what I like
Point is I have the right
Not thinking in black and white
I’m thinking it’s worth the fight”
Libras are often considered fake, as they’re great at conforming to the situation they’re in and with the people surrounding them. This line pokes a hole in the negative view of this though; maybe, I want to be fake. Libra’s focus on justice and reserving energy for the right cause is also displayed in the latter lines of the excerpt, displaying Libra’s often overlooked ruthless attention to fairness and dispensing justice.
The whole song focuses on how a romance or connection completely changed the person in the song, a love is known to completely change Libras for better or worse. They tend to immerse themselves in their relationships. The song is full of backing vocals that can represent the self-doubt Libra often faces. These voices represent how they’re always checking themselves.
“He see me do mi
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!
So me put in
Work, work, work, work, work, work […]
Meh nuh cyar if ‘im
Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting”
“He see me do mi dirt” references some secretive actions that Rihanna has done, likely cheating or something similar. She’s now required to put in work to make things right or to simply get his mind off of the transgression by “putting in work” or having sex. Both secrets and sex are centered around the sign of Scorpio, especially using both to manipulate and control a situation. Scorpios may go to the extreme in reaction, sometimes just to get a response. This points toward Rihanna not caring if she had hurt her partner with her actions, only wishing to make them right in this moment.
“Nuh body touch me you nuh righteous
Nuh badda, text me in a crisis
I believed all of your dreams, adoration
You took my heart and my keys and my patience
You took my heart on my sleeve for decoration
You mistaken my love I brought for you for foundation”
At their core, Scorpios crave someone to turn to when things get dark. When a crisis happens, Rihanna wants someone to turn to for support. The later part of the excerpt points toward Scorpio’s tendency to put their all into others. This often leaves them feeling unappreciated if the other person isn’t all in or isn’t as intense as they are.
This song is as overtly sexual as Aries’ “Woo” and Taurus’ “Yeah, I Said It”, but it focuses on the connection and power gained from sex. Rihanna uses sex to get her partner over their troubles, including her working too much and ever her possibly stepping out on him. Drake’s inclusion in the song also didn’t go unnoticed, as he is a Scorpio Sun. His presence attempts to add even more sex appeal and Plutonian energy to this hit.
SAGITTARIUS- “Desperado”
“Gotta get up out of here
And yuh ain’t leavin’ me behind
I know you won’t cause we share common interests
You need me, there ain’t no leaving me behind
Never, no, no, I just want outta here, yeah
Once I’m gone, ain’t no going back”
Sagittarius’ need for freedom is keenly exhibited by this excerpt. Rihanna’s partner is, again, the focus of the sign’s energy as he wants to leave, to roam free. It isn’t known whether he wants to leave their situation, their location, or Rihanna, but she wants to throw caution to the wind and go with him, regardless. Sagittarians need constantly renewed interest and good, deep conversation to maintain their interest for someone. He and Rihanna have a lot in common, and she hopes that these things can keep them bound.
“If you want, we can be runaways
Running from any sight of love
Yeah, yeah, there ain’t nothin’
There ain’t nothin’ here for me
There ain’t nothin’ here for me anymore
But I don’t wanna be alone”
Sag’s are very much known as the nomads of the sign, needing to travel and experience things in order to feel like they’re experiencing life. Rihanna is taking on the traits of this nomad, wanting to run away from the stagnancy and boredom that often comes with settling into love. These are two things that Sag is known to have not much interest in and is known to run away from emotional connection when they feel unready to settle down or to share their experience with someone.
A “desperado” is defined as “a desperate or reckless person, especially a criminal” by Oxford. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, often down for reckless tact and a desperate need for freedom, making them desperados in life. The criminal activity isn’t too much associated with Sag, but who knows once they get a drink (or six) in them.
CAPRICORN- “Needed Me”
“I was good on my own, that’s the way it was
That’s the way it was
You was good on the low for a faded fuck
On some faded love”
Capricorns are known for independence and can be something of a hermit, being okay with reaching their goals by themselves and for themselves. They’re not particularly known for emotional connections, leaving that to their sister sign, Cancer.
“You needed me
Ooh, you needed me
To feel a little more, and give a little less
Know you hate to confess
But baby ooh, you needed me”
When Capricorns do decide to share their lives with others, they may assume people are operating under ulterior motives. Rihanna feels that she was used as a status symbol due to her success by her partner; hell, maybe several partners. Capricorns are foremost interested in their status and may often not be sure if people are attracted to what Cap can do for them or in Cap themselves. This proves to be true in this case, as she is said to have given more to the relationship than him, and he felt even less for her because of it.
This song has a definite theme of female empowerment that can be appreciated by the feminine Cardinal sign of Capricorn. Capricorn women do typically embody the role of a woman in charge, and they demand respect, even and especially from heir partner. The tempo of the song is laid back while conveying very bold lyrics, very much the Capricornian vibe.
AQUARIUS- “James Joint”
“I’d rather be smoking weed whenever we breathe
Every time you kiss me
Don’t say that you miss me
Just come get me”
Besides Pisces, Aquarius has the strongest connection to drugs in the Zodiac. Whereas Pisces is seeking escape (see “Higher” up next), Aquarius sees drugs as more of a normal activity that unlocks the mind and allows one to look at multiple points of view. The excerpt goes on to exhibit Aquarius’ hate for words of affection. “Just come get me” shows their tendency to relying on acts of love instead of words, as Aquarius is an Air sign and they know that words are simply wind.
“Just making scenes, here come the police
They know about your history
How you live and love like “fuck rules”?
Don’t care why, just know I love you”
“[F]uck rules” is possibly all I need to explain this line. Aquarians are very anti-rules unless they’ve been proven effective, and this instance shows her partner, James Joint, is very much interested in making his own rules. Their fight and the arrival of the police represent unexpected circumstances, instances ruled by Aquarius’ ruler, Uranus.
This song is an interlude. They’re used as a break from the flow of the album and to introduce some for the quirkier sides of the artist, a perfect Aquarian venue for expression. The song was also released early on 4/20 as a teaser for the album, further connecting it with drugs and weed culture.
PISCES- “Higher”
“This whiskey got me feelin’ pretty
So pardon if I’m impolite
I just really need your ass with me
I’m sorry 'bout the other night”
Pisces is connected to being under the influence, seeking escape and rest from the tiresome world. Rihanna is in her hotel room and obviously cross-faded, wanting nothing more than to spill her feelings to her lover. This excerpts focus on apologies and the general clinginess are also often associated with Pisces.
“You take me higher, higher than I’ve ever been, babe
Just come over, let’s pour a drink, babe
I hope I ain’t calling you too late, too late
You light my fire
Let’s stay up late and smoke a J
But I’m drunk instead, with a full ashtray
With a little bit too much to say”
The whole second part of the song is the content of her emotions spilling over, like I mentioned earlier. It’s a bit chaotic and train–of-thought, fitting the Mutable nature of the Water sign Pisces. Pisces also gets inspiration from its connection to those around them. For them, the solitude that Rihanna is experiencing can be a win/lose situation, allowing them to feel their own feelings without being filtered by the vibe of everyone around them, but it also leaves them alone in their spiraling thoughts and occasionally self-destructive tendencies.
Overall, the song is full of raw emotion and honesty. It only took Rihanna less than half an hour to write, and that, again, denotes its purity. This hits home even more when you consider that Rihanna herself is a Pisces. The title of the song shows a connection to Pisces’ association to escapism and getting high to not feel so low.
Check your Moon sign for the song that makes you comfortable and places you firmly in your feelings
Check your Sun sign for the song that makes you happy; the one you ride in your car blasting full volume
Check your Venus sign for the one that speaks to your inner artist or the one you’d play for someone when they ask about a song you like