Happy Aquarius Season!

happy Aquarius season to all you adorably aloof and unpredictably unconventional aliens!

now’s the time to get social! our focus on work has shifted, pushing us out of the office and toward the break room. get ready to have an awkward emotional encounter with a stranger. hell, get ready for a whole month of awkward; it keeps you humble.

the cynicism of Capricorn season has been transformed into scientific curiosity; your hard work has materialized into something truly unique, innovative and beautiful, so it’s only right that you share it with your peers. get ready to rely on your social graces, but don’t neglect your alone time, as you need it to recharge from all this networking; time to brainstorm with friends, to join community organizations and to give back; you might even save the world this season.

Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and it is on them we’ll focus. through them you’ll find your ability to challenge the norms and the courage to explore areas of your own life, into which you have not ventured. try not to get too far away from your comfort zone though, as Pisces season is up next, and it’ll be much easier for you to get lost without your core principles and familiar surroundings.

like Capricorn, Saturn is the traditional ruler this month, relying more on his focus on the passage of time, what lies outside his boundaries and how to break these boundaries down. since Saturn had his way last month, let’s try to suck up to Uranus for this season. you can make them happy by wearing colors that pop, allowing you stand out. this especially applies to turquoises, electric blues, bold purples, or even a nice deep black (especially if everyone else is in color). honor them by being bold in unknown territory, by committing to being different from how you’ve been, by challenging the social norm, by making new friends, and by supporting the underdog.


Chiron’s Playlist: “Anti”


Capricorn at a Glance