Scorpio at a Glance
Funny; Able to see deeper into most subjects than most others; Scorpios find humor in the darkest situations
Super Intense: While known to be “dark”, this sign would better be described as intense or even focused
Driven: I pity anything standing between a Scorpio and their intended target
Suspicious: Ruled by the more cautious side of Mars and deeply intrigued Pluto, Scorpio can’t get away from questioning the world around them
The Scorpion
Scorpions are arachnids with an exoskeleton, prominent pincers, and an especially notable stinger on their tail; these all help to defend the animal from attack
Scorpius is the constellation for Scorpio; in mythology, he was clandestinely sent to kill Orion in payment of his hubristic attempt to kill every animal on Earth
The two were placed on opposing ends of the Zodiac to serve as examples of excessive pride
their emotional intensity; they’re feeling it, so you need to, as well
their intuition; they pick up on the slightest changes in energy
their need for solitude; while loving to share resources and to delve into the minds of others, Scorpios need time to recharge and reorganize their feelings
Modality or Quality
their work ethic
their inability to let things go
their need for constant upheaval
Mars, Guardian of Agriculture, Protector of the Roman People
We covered him in Aries, so we will focus on Scorpio’s modern ruler:
Pluto, King of the Underworld, God of the Dead, God of Riches
He is most comfortable when in the dark and mysterious Underworld
He is the lord of the transformative process of death
Rulership over riches explains Scorpio’s tendency to gain and distribute wealth for themselves and others
Hidden Trait
Absent-minded; You’d lose track, too, if your brain was a browser tab, constantly in refresh
Deadly Sin
Lust; sex is often tied to Scorpio, but lust applies to desire, itself. Scorpio isn’t gluttonous; they only want what they can’t or shouldn’t have
Crime if Arrested
Conspiracy for murder, Unlike Virgo, they wouldn’t go through with it. Also unlike Virgo, they would definitely get caught or even turn themselves in due to boredom.
Danger; perhaps its Mars’ hold on them, having them see that rush of living on the edge
Being deceived or tricked; they’re the ones who are supposed to do the manipulation, alright?!
Completely open up; this only applies if they find you special, helpful, or otherwise useful
Open up at all, especially if you’re unfamiliar to them (or are of no use to their goals)