Sky of the Month: November 2024
November 1- All Saints’ Day
Scorpio New Moon
A sense of newness in the sharing of your resources
Great time to begin intense transformations
November 2
Mercury enters Sagittarius
Mind is focused on learning from experience
Likely to find conversation with mentors and teachers
November 3
Mars enters Leo
Motivations allow for better expression of self and creativity
Great time for self-promotion and entertaining yourself and others
Cancer Mars opposite Aquarius Pluto
Emotional motivations work against your urge to socialize and network
You will need to rely on your grit in order to get through the rougher side of socializing
Sagittarius Venus opposite Gemini Jupiter
Love of experience and travel opposes your need to be of benefit to your hometown or neighborhood
A new opportunity to learn is awakened by a beneficent friend or sibling
November 4
Scorpio Sun trine Pisces Saturn
Focus on the sharing of resources does well to alleviate your spiritual duty
May be acknowledged for your intense and accurate intuition
November 7
Sagittarius Venus quincrux Taurus Uranus
A sense of freedom from your finances doesn’t match greed-fueled state of society
May feel a sense of wanderlust disparate to your financial status
November 9
Sagittarius Venus square Pisces Neptune
Urge to learn and explore conflicts with the languid energy of the time
Your imagination may make your eyes larger than your stomach
November 11
Venus enters Capricorn
Love of work and the promise of the future takes precedence
Relationships take a turn for the serious; long-term versus temporary
Scorpio Sun quincrux Gemini Jupiter
Tendency for secrecy doesn’t match the likelihood that there is for a great deal of conversation
Not likely to follow orders due to a lack of trust in mentors
November 12
Sagittarius Mercury square Pisces Saturn
Expansive and optimistic mind conflicts with the more solemn nature of your limitations
You may find your credibility at question during this time
November 14
Capricorn Venus quincrux Leo Mars
Love of work interrupts your drive for creativity expression
May find a target of your competitive nature at work
November 15
Full Moon in Taurus
Intense transformations from the New Moon come to fruition in your finances or in the way your carry yourself
November 16
Scorpio Sun opposite Taurus Uranus
Focus on the darker side of life opposes your hopes for providing for others
Distinct feeling of not fitting in with the norms of society due to your secrets or your state of evolution
November 18
Sagittarius Mercury opposite Gemini Jupiter
Mind focused on going deeper is opposed by advice to be more flexible in your interests
Likely to find yourself surrounded by bias, especially your own
Scorpio Sun trine Pisces Neptune
Focus on investigation is boosted by your well-tuned intuition
Good day to delve into the spiritual, especially in any transformative or magical way
November 19
Pluto enters Aquarius
Power falls back into the hands of the many
Focus more on social groups and personal aspirations to get make changes in the world around you
November 21
Sun enters Sagittarius
Focus switches from the dark and intense to the inspirational and optimistic
Great time for academic endeavors, long journeys, especially abroad, and seeking mentors and students
Sagittarius Sun sextile Aquarius Pluto
More control to be placed into the hands of the people makes way for a sense of optimism
You’ll find yourself amongst those smarter than you; listen to them
November 22
Capricorn Venus sextile Pisces Saturn
Fond feelings for work and co-workers play well with the dissolution of some of your personal boundaries
May be praised for a job well done, especially by an older sage, of sorts
November 25
Sagittarius Mercury Retrograde
Plans may go awry, especially those centered around travel, secondary education, and politics
Avoid over-estimating time restraints and relying too much on what you think you know
November 26
Capricorn Venus quincrux Gemini Jupiter
A seriousness in your relationships mismatches the light optimism in the air
You have a desire for newness in the familiarity of your work
November 27
Sagittarius Sun trine Leo Mars
Focus on ideas and experience has a synergistic effect with your strong creative drive
You have a great deal of energy and will likely expend it arguing