Sky of the Month: July 2024
July 2
Neptune Rx
The reality that has been hidden will become almost unrealistically clear to you
Cancer Mercury trine Pisces Neptune
Subjective and conservative thoughts are boosted by illusions and hidden agendas of others
Very intuitive day; hard to keep your thoughts to yourself
Mercury enters Leo
Great time to act on your more creative ideas
Be aware of being more self-interested
Cancer Venus trine Pisces Saturn
Great time to practice spirituality with family
Likely to find respect for those who share their feelings with you
July 3
Leo Mercury opposite Aquarius Pluto
May find yourself thinking about your place in society and what you can provide to society
Dark thoughts are likely to rise, either placing you above others or undermining your sense of self to benefit others
July 5
New Moon in Cancer
A newness in your emotional expression and home; perhaps a need to redecorate or to find a new way to express your feelings
Taurus Mars sextile Pisces Saturn
Projects that require patience will be benefited by unlimited time to work
July 8
Cancer Venus sextile Taurus Uranus
Love of family is supported by economic disruption
Unexpected turn in your financed may have you turning to family
Leo Mercury sextile Gemini Jupiter
Tendency to focus on self is bolstered by a sense of mental expansion
May find an inability to see the whole truth, instead focusing on the facts that serve you
July 10
Cancer Sun trine Pisces Saturn
Time of emotional maturity is supported by a kind sense of authority
May be acknowledged by your loved ones for your spiritual work
July 11
Cancer Venus trine Pisces Neptune
Holding own to conservative morals supports increased xenophobia and the disregard of reality
Memories can spark inspiration on this day
Venus enters Leo
Flirtation is heavily used in all relationships
A love of competition and fun is encouraged during this time
Many aspects to the Moon
Emotional day for all
July 12
Leo Venus opposite Aquarius Pluto
Flirty and unserious morals must balance with the focus on the odd structure of society
Focus on the lavish and luxe will take away from the good of the underdog
July 15
Leo Mercury quincrux Pisces Saturn
The expression of your identity will seem disjointed with your lack of personal boundaries
Tendency to focus on self makes the struggles of others less prominent to you
Taurus Mars conjunct Taurus Uranus
Projects that require patience are the ones that cause an unexpected change in status
Sudden changes in the economy or even unexpected conflict that concerns society
July 18
Cancer Sun sextile Taurus Uranus
Time of focus on the home and family is supported by an unexpected tightening of purse strings
July 20
Taurus Mars sextile Pisces Neptune
Slow moving motivation works well with your spiritual ventures
Great time to donate money or your time to a higher cause
Mars enters Gemini
Great time for fast-moving projects or ones that have a lot of moving parts
May find yourself restless
July 21
Full Moon in Capricorn
Important idea or project you conceived at the New Moon may come to fruition here, especially affecting your reputation at work or in the public eye
Many aspects to the Moon
Very emotional day
Leo Venus sextile Gemini Jupiter
Flirty and unserious morals are benefited by your abundance in mental energy
May be inspired to enact on a creative idea
Leo Mercury square Taurus Uranus
The expression of your identity conflicts with your socioeconomic status
A time for the expression of revolution, especially economically
Cancer Sun trine Pisces Neptune
Time of emotional maturity is supported by a collective sense of spirituality
A great time for creative catharsis
Gemini Mars trine Aquarius Pluto
Restless energy works well with the revolutionary spirit
Likely to be forced to exert your social and logical intellect during this period
July 22
Sun enters Leo
Excellent month for creativity and self-expression
May find yourself more playful or even flirty
July 23
Leo Sun opposite Aquarius Pluto
Focus on self takes away from a focus on society
May feel as if the way you express yourself makes you the odd one out
July 25
Leo Mercury quincrux Pisces Neptune
Need to express your own ideas doesn’t sit well with the urge to tap in to the collective zeitgeist
Likely to have intuition heightened, likely making you self conscious
Mercury enters Virgo
Focus of self turns to a more servile nature
Mind finds itself focusing more on details and routines
Leo Sun sextile Taurus Mars
Focus on self is likely to benefit your tendency to defend yourself
Likely to be placed in conflict where you can really show your gift of restraint
Many aspects to the Moon
July 26
Leo Venus quincrux Pisces Saturn
Flirty and shallow morality doesn’t allow for deep spiritual progression
Likely to be praised for work you didn’t do
Virgo Mercury quincrux Aquarius Pluto
Detail-oriented mind work against seeing the big picture and your place in it
Likely to have darker thoughts pop up, likely disdain of society or politics