Composite Reading


A composite chart is a mathematical average of yours and another person’s chart (Partner A with 0º Aries Sun and Partner B with 0º Gemini Sun would have a Composite 0º Taurus Sun). The average represents the embodiment of your relationship. Included is:

  • A breakdown of your composite personal and social planets (all planets barring Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the dwarf planets/asteroids) and composite Ascendant sign

  • The top three aspects of your composite chart, showing how these relational archetypes interact with themselves

10-15 Pages

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A composite chart is a mathematical average of yours and another person’s chart (Partner A with 0º Aries Sun and Partner B with 0º Gemini Sun would have a Composite 0º Taurus Sun). The average represents the embodiment of your relationship. Included is:

  • A breakdown of your composite personal and social planets (all planets barring Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the dwarf planets/asteroids) and composite Ascendant sign

  • The top three aspects of your composite chart, showing how these relational archetypes interact with themselves

10-15 Pages

A composite chart is a mathematical average of yours and another person’s chart (Partner A with 0º Aries Sun and Partner B with 0º Gemini Sun would have a Composite 0º Taurus Sun). The average represents the embodiment of your relationship. Included is:

  • A breakdown of your composite personal and social planets (all planets barring Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the dwarf planets/asteroids) and composite Ascendant sign

  • The top three aspects of your composite chart, showing how these relational archetypes interact with themselves

10-15 Pages

for those who need deep insight on the relationship itself

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